Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blog Updates

First of all, despite the crappy weather, this month's Blend event was quite an entertaining eve. Thanks for coming, supporting, working, eating, et cetera.

Now for the other news.

Over the next few days you will notice a few things, perhaps, if you're paying attention.

The first is that videos recently recorded will not be uploaded for a while. I just moved into a new house and am running entirely on Philadelphia's free wireless, which is dependable but not powerful. In a week or so I will be getting access to a private wireless ISP so I can start uploading/downloading/leftloading/rightloading. Raise those anticipation meters!

Secondly, the members section has been updated, and will continue to be updated. Email links will be made available, too.

Another goal is to link all of the "featured performers" that you can find on the sidebar, so that we get a network going.

If you have any comments/suggestions for the website, send an email to my personal address here.


Greg Bem
PAPP Web Director

PS: at the momoent we have no plans to start twittering around like a bunch of tw*ts.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Message from Alla V, Hostess of Blend

Hi Everyone:

Just wanted to remind you that the next ""BLEND" event is on Thursday June 4th at Blue Banana Located on 223 South Street. (Start time for performance is 7:30PM) If you have not yet come out to this series, please come out this time. We will be featuring Tamara Oakman and Nate Graham. They are both amazing! If you have any questions please let me know. If you have come to this event before, please come again! Your support is greatly appreciated. There will be an open mic as well so if you would like to read let me know. The more diversity of voices we have, the better!

Alla V